02 May 2007


This has got to be one of the coolest projects out there, and I seriously take my hat off to Arturo "Buanzo" Busleiman for developing this. The blurb on this project off of Freshmeat.net is the following: "Mod_Auth_OpenPGP is an Apache module that implements access authorization to servers, vhosts, or directories when incoming requests' HTTP OpenPGP signatures are valid and known by the local keyring. It's the Apache companion for Firefox's extension "Enigform". There is also a really worthwhile interview with Arturo over on the FreeSoftwareMagazine site, which can be read here, I would definitely recommend taking a read if you're into security, Open Source software or Apache, as this has seriously got to be one of the coolest extensions out there for Apache at the moment. I'm really hoping that some big financial companies see this and start using it, it could save us all a lot of trouble.

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