20 March 2007

Flu and the SCNA exam != Pass

Well, my body has decided recently that having a dose of flu would be a great thing to do to me, just make the SCNA exam more of a challenge, and well, I didn't make it. You need 62% to pass the exam and I got a grand total of 49%, I know the stuff, but while I was sitting there all I could think about was going home and crawling into bed. I guess I'll give it a couple of weeks or so and then try again, now that it's beaten me, I really want to get this one under my belt. Also to add insult to injury, while I was out failing the exam, the UPS man dropped by to deliver my MacBook Pro, typical! I gave them a call though and they will re-deliver it tomorrow, so at least now I know that I'll be getting it tomorrow. Now I feel a nap coming on, and then some quality time spent in front of the TV, maybe watching cartoons for the rest of the day.

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